Our children deserve to be challenged in the classroom through a content-rich and challenging curriculum and held to the highest standards. By implementing the Core Knowledge Sequence, Singapore Math, and an Explicit Phonics program, we can fundamentally transform our schools and correct the course of public education in Collier County. Wasting valuable instructional time by putting our children in front of computers all day is a tragedy. Focusing on divisive political issues like social justice, transgender bathrooms, global warming, climate change, Critical Race Theory, and other socialist dogma must end if we want to improve the District's outcomes.
With such an ever increasing and bloated administrative budget, it is no wonder why teachers feel under-valued. Over the last decade, while more and more funding has been earmarked for administrators, more and more responsibilities have been dumped on teachers which have nothing to do with educating students. This causes teacher-burnout, low moral and high-turnover. As a District, we must eliminate the unnecessary burdens and stressors placed on our educators, so they can truly focus on what is most important, our students.
Parental involvement is a key factor in student educational success. As a District, we need to encourage the parent-school partnership, and adhere to the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which the Governor of Florida signed into law July 1, 2021.
Safety, Security and School Culture
Providing our children, faculty, and staff with a safe and secure learning environment is as important as the academic instruction. When parents send their children to a public school, they should be confident that they are safe and secure, but mandating masks and COVID-19 vaccines is intolerable.
In continued partnership with the sheriff's department, we must ensure that threats to their safety and security are identified, reported, and eliminated. Too many of our schools' hallways are riddled by profanity, disrespect, and other inappropriate behaviors. Our schools must foster an atmosphere of respect and professionalism if we desire a fertile ground for learning.
Transparency and Accountability
School Board members must comply with the law. Unlawful back room deals, approving instructional materials in secret, violating Sunshine Law ad-nauseum, and putting divisive politics before our children have no place in taxpayer-funded schools.
We must demand that School Board members conduct themselves lawfully and ethically in all their official activities. School Board members must represent We the People, not a massive bureaucracy and its self-serving interests.
Fiscal Responsibility
The current School Board members have voted for every single increase in taxes that has come before them. Without blinking an eye, this School Board has fleeced the taxpayers with every annual vote to approve the District's bloated budget, which now sits at approximately 1.3 billion dollars. We must demand accountability from our elected School Board members when they vote to increase taxes on stakeholders.
In order to rein in runaway government spending, the School Board must develop a five-year budget plan that includes a 5% shift each year from administrative expenses to teacher salaries and student-related expenses, and freeze the property tax millage rate to the current rollback rate for three years.
Kelly Lichter